Quick Summary: Learn the benefits, target audience, and types of online coaching. Discover which topics are best suited for online coaching, how it works, and how I perceive my work as an online coach – both now and in the future. Let's dive in!

My first experience with online coaching dates back over a decade. I used Skype and a physical flipchart. Today, I work with a virtual whiteboard from my online studio.

How did this come about? My client at the time asked if we could conduct our next session virtually. Otherwise, they would have to spend nearly four hours on a train to work with me.

Saving time, money, and other resources are advantages of online coaching. There are more, such as the freedom to choose the coach that suits you best.

Since 2013, the demand for online coaching from my clients has been steadily increasing. It has always brought me joy, and I have grown from it, to the point where I am now specialized in it.

The world has undergone rapid transformations in the last decade. Along with it, the way we develop and grow has also changed. In 2022, according to the German RAUEN Coaching Market Analysis, online coaching via video conferencing became the most commonly used coaching format for the first time.

You may be wondering if online coaching is suitable for you and your situation. Let's take a closer look at the format. I'll answer the following questions:

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Let's start by defining coaching or online coaching.

Definition: What is Online Coaching?

In online coaching, the client and coach communicate over the internet. While some coaches prefer methods such as email, chat, or messenger, I utilize online video conferencing.

It is important to me that we document the relevant outcomes, insights, and next steps. This way, you can keep track of the process, your progress, and development.

What is the essence of coaching? The most concise definition of coaching is provided by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the largest organization of professional coaches worldwide.

"Coaching [is] partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." (ICF)

I've described my personal understanding of coaching in this YouTube short video.

I observe a growing trend of online coaching among both individuals and companies. More and more people are seeking effective ways to reflect on their lives and careers in order to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Online coaching seamlessly integrates into daily routines without causing vast scheduling conflicts. As a coach, it provides me the freedom to support and guide my clients regardless of time and location. And there are more advantages.

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Benefits of Online Coaching: Why Choose It?

Some advantages are obvious: Online coaching reduces time and costs compared to other formats. Personally, I consider other benefits to be essential, such as the freedom to choose the coach that suits you best. But let's take it step by step. The benefits include:

  • Freedom of location
  • Flexibility in scheduling
  • Saving resources
  • Freedom to choose your coach
  • Virtual teamwork/leadership

Let's start with the obvious advantages.

Freedom of Location

For online coaching, you can log in from anywhere. There's no need to travel to a specific location. Instead, you can conveniently participate from the comfort of your home, your office desk, while taking a walk in nature, or even from a hotel room.

As long as you have a reliable internet connection, it works seamlessly. In the rare event of an unreliable connection, we can temporarily switch to audio-only mode.

Flexibility in Scheduling

Along with that comes the flexibility in scheduling. Since we work online, we are not bound by regular office hours. We can arrange sessions at a time that suits both of us.

We discuss this individually in your pre-coaching call. Some clients prefer to work in the morning, while others thrive in the afternoon or early evening.

Saving Resources

Saving resources is becoming more prominent in people's awareness and is also becoming more important for my clients. Since we work online, there're no travel times or expenses involved. Also, the energy that we would have previously spent on traveling can now be used in other ways.

Freedom to Choose your Coach

Since you are not limited by geographical constraints, you have the freedom to choose who you want to work with. If my clients move during the coaching process, are on vacation, or already live and work outside of Germany – no problem, we continue working as usual.

Virtual Teamwork/Leadership

More and more teams are working remotely or in a hybrid setup. Clear communication and relationship-building in the virtual space are essential skills for giving feedback, having meetings, or solving conflicts in teams and leadership roles. Online coaching can be a valuable resource for enhancing competencies in the online environment.

In this short video, I summarize all five benefits!

The benefits are relevant depending on your situation. For me, the ability to freely choose a coach regardless of location is highly valauble. It allows me to support my clients across different life stages and international borders.

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Target Audience: Who Can Benefit from Coaching?

Online Coaching Virtual Coaching Target group Prerequisites

The most important requirement for online coaching is that you're willing to grow and develop. Unsure if coaching is suitable for you and your situation? Check if the following statements apply to you:

  • I am eager to develop and grow.
  • I have the desire to explore myself.
  • I am ready to reflect on core beliefs, thought patterns, and behaviors.
  • I am open to developing new ways, strategies, and solutions.
  • I feel ready to try new things, take risks, and experiment.
  • I am open to many questions, feedback, inspiration, and insights.

It would be best if you wholeheartedly affirm all the statements! Otherwise, it's worth exploring what's holding you back from making changes in yourself or your situation.

In this YouTube short, I have compiled eight questions. Check to what extent coaching is the right format for you. The last question is so important that I'll go into it in more detail.

Online coaching is aimed at individuals who are mentally healthy. Being mentally healthy means having the ability to manage oneself in everyday life – you generally feel capable of leading your life and working.

If this is not the case for you, it would be essential to prioritize restoring these abilities. In psychological psychotherapy, you can find the appropriate space for that.

In online coaching, the focus is on your personal and professional development. You know best which topics are relevant to you! Because different individuals have different concerns. We'll dive into the details soon.

But first, let's take a look at the different groups of people I've worked with in online coaching so far. These include...

  • Private individuals
  • Executives and leaders
  • Employees
  • Self-employed individuals
  • Entrepreneurs

At first glance, these groups of people may seem different. However, once we move beyond the surface and dive deeper, we realize that we all have very similar questions.

We ask ourselves questions such as: Who am I? What can I do? What do I want? In online coaching, you'll gain crystal-clear clarity about your personal and professional goals, as well as the steps to achieve them.

Here are some insights into possible coaching topics. Perhaps you can relate to the examples?

Private individuals: As an individual, you work on your important personal or professional decision. So that you can pursue the path that truly suits you as a person.

Leaders: As a leader, you reflect on your leadership role. So that you can fulfill it in a way that aligns with your professional and personal goals, desires, and vision.

Employees: As an employee, you develop your professional vision and reflect on your expectations and strengths. So that you can grow in your professional role or find the next suitable job or position.

Self-employed: As a self-employed person, you work on your self-organization and motivation. So that you can harness your full creative energy, productivity, and joy in your business.

Entrepreneurs: As an entrepreneur, you develop processes to understand the dynamics in your team and organization. So that your employees can grow and your business can thrive.

To meet the various needs, there are different types of coaching. In my practice, I offer two: Personal Coaching and Business Coaching.

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What Types of Online Coaching Exist?

I distinguish between Personal Coaching for private individuals and Business Coaching in companies or for self-employed individuals. What distinguishes these two formats?

Online Personal Coaching

Online Personal Coaching virtual Christine Paulus

In Personal Coaching, my clients work on all aspects that concern their personal and professional development and encourage personal growth.

Initially, the focus is on identifying the challenges and goals and developing a plan to achieve them. In coaching, they develop their own solutions to the challenges they face.

They can gain clarity about their self-image, career, relationships, health, productivity, or creativity. All of this helps them lead a fulfilling and meaningful life that aligns with their values and vision.

In Personal Coaching, you work on WHAT you want to achieve and HOW to achieve it.

Personal Coaching can be particularly useful when you desire a change in your life or are unsure how to reach your set goals. It can also help improve your personal and professional relationships and achieve a better work-life balance. If you'd like do dive deeper, check out my in-depth article 'Personal Coaching: What, How, and Why at All?'.

Online Business Coaching

Online Business Coaching virtual Christine Paulus

In Business Coaching, there's often a third party involved in the coaching process: the client's organization. This can be represented, for example, by the human resources department or a supervisor.

Perhaps you have a leadership role yourself. In a conversation with the HR department, the idea came up to support you with coaching regarding a specific issue. Or you had the impulse for coaching yourself and subsequently approached your supervisor about it.

If you are an employee, self-employed, or an entrepreneur, you naturally have professional topics that can be addressed in coaching. In coaching, you first identify the challenges and goals in order to develop a plan to achieve these goals.

Working on your concerns in coaching supports you in experiencing both your life and your profession as rich in meaning and fulfillment. It involves your values, concepts, personality, and knowledge in relation to your professional role.

In Business Coaching, you work on how your individual understanding of professional success and your personal development play together.

Business Coaching can be useful for reflecting on your career path and professional role. If you desire a professional change, it can help you develop your skills and empower you to take the next steps towards your goal.

Now let's explore specific concerns where coaching can be meaningful.

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Objectives and Topics: When is Online Coaching Relevant?

In coaching, my clients find their energy, focus, and serenity. Let's take a look at the specific goals they come to coaching with.

Goals and Topics in Online Personal Coaching

Here are some of the topics that can be addressed in Personal Coaching. Do you recognize yourself in any of these goals?

  • Making an important personal or professional decision.
  • Reflecting on your career and taking the next step.
  • Finding ways to deal with stress.
  • Working on your personal relationships.
  • Putting an end to the cycle of thinking only.
  • Increasing productivity and taking action on tasks.
  • Learning to navigate and deal with emotions.
  • Finding a professional position that aligns with your skills and values.
  • Rediscovering a sense of freedom and tranquility.

While achieving success in your job might be important – experiencing true fulfillment both professionally and personally is highly valuable.

Goals and Topics in Online Business Coaching

Now, let's explore the topics that can be addressed in Business Coaching. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Preparing for a new or evolving leadership role.
  • Reflecting on your current understanding of leadership.
  • Improving communication with your team members.
  • Working on your relationships with business partners.
  • Developing effective conflict resolution skills.
  • Tapping into your creative potential and leveraging it in your business.
  • Assessing the right career move for you.
  • Reflecting on your professional identity.
  • Setting priorities and focusing on what truly matters.
  • Finding motivation and approaching tasks with joy.
  • Creating a self-determined balance between personal and professional life.

If you're interested in the outcomes of Business Coaching from a scientific point of view, check out my article 'New Research: Does Business Coaching work?'. According to the included studies in the meta-analysis from Cannon-Bowers et al. (2023), the outcomes range from increased productivity, life satisfaction, and resilience to improved sleep quality, overall flourishing, and enhanced leadership skills.

Now that we have explored what online coaching is, who it is suitable for, and what you can achieve through it, let's delve into how an online coaching process unfolds. Each coach has their own approach – I'll describe how I work with my clients in a virtual setting.

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Process: How Does Online Coaching Work?

Online Coaching virtuell process Christine Paulus

I structure our collaboration and your process, provide feedback, and continue asking questions until you have your answers. We visualize the key insights digitally and discuss your results continuously.

How Do I Prepare?

We'll prepare for the online coaching together. In your free pre-coaching call, we discuss what coaching can mean for you. During our phone call, you explain your concerns and how you envision coaching as support, and provide me with information about your background.

I will assess whether coaching is suitable for you and your situation from my perspective. We also discuss the conditions of our collaboration, such as the interval between coaching sessions and your scheduling preferences.

After the initial conversation, we get started by scheduling our first session. Since we work online, you have flexibility in terms of time. Choose a place where you can be undisturbed and speak freely, in an environment where you can concentrate and feel comfortable.

If you have any notes, sketches, lists, or photos related to your topic, please share them with me beforehand. A resume can also be helpful. I'll review everything carefully before our first session.

Especially in online coaching, it is important that we begin by discussing organizational matters, such as data protection. I'll explain to you which programs I use and how we handle your digital documentation.

Apart from that, you're already prepared. Even if you had a stressful phone call or meeting before our appointment:

In coaching, you arrive in the here and now. Your coaching is your space.

You have received a link to log in. You sign in on your laptop. Alternatively, you can use your tablet or smartphone. If you haven't already, grab a cup of tea or a glass of water. At the agreed time, we will get started.

How Does the Process Work?

In our first session, you'll formulate the goals for your online coaching. Additionally, you'll determine which objectives are currently most important to you. These goals will serve us as a guide for the process.

Then, you'll begin reflecting on and addressing your topic. At the end, we'll develop an experiment for your personal or professional daily life. This could be a further exercise or an observational task, for example.

We'll visualize your results and insights in an online document, which will serve as a virtual whiteboard. After your first coaching session, I'll send you the link to your documentation via email. This way, you'll have your insights readily available at all times.

Between coaching sessions, you'll work on the agreed-upon experiment and continue reflecting on your situation. You bring the results to the next coaching session. Of course, you can share any insights or updates via email or in the digital documentation.

How and When do we End our Collaboration?

Based on experience, we typically meet for six to twelve coaching sessions. The frequency of your sessions will be determined according to your needs, preferences, and goals.

In the final session of your online coaching, we ensure the consolidation of your results. We review your changes and gains you've achieved through the coaching process. We reflect on the process itself and our coaching relationship. To evaluate your coaching experience, you'll receive an invitation to an evaluation form via email.

Finally, we discuss the possibility of ongoing contact after your coaching. Many of my clients choose to return for additional coaching as needed or on a quarterly basis.

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My Approach and Speciality as an Online Coach

Now you know how online coaching works. But does it mean for me personally to work as a coach? What's my understanding of coaching and my approach in my work?

When searching for the coach that suits you, two things are essential. Firstly, you should learn more about the coach's professional background, coaching approach, and ethics in their coaching work. Secondly, in addition to assessing compatibility on paper, it's important to evaluate the personal connection. That's why I offer a free pre-coaching call with every client. But let's go step by step.

Qualification and Experience

I'm a M. Sc. Psychologist. I specialized in Organizational Psychology. I put my academic focus on leadership, personality, and team dynamics.

I completed my further education as an Integral Coach and Integral Business Coach at the Coaching Center Berlin. It was important to me that the program was accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the world's largest organization of professionally trained coaches.

Christine Paulus International Coaching Federation ICF Member Badge

While undergoing the further coaching education, it was simultaneously examined and certified by the German Federal Association of Coaching (DBVC).

Since 2013, I've been supporting my clients in their professional development, personal growth, and organizational transformation in my coaching practice.

As a member of the ICF, continuous development is part of my everyday life. Ethical behavior is the foundation of professional online coaching. I'm committed to the ethical code of the ICF and apply the current core competency model in my work.

My Coaching Approach and Specialty

In coaching, we strive to incorporate all perspectives that describe your situation. This includes the biological, social, organizational, and, of course, the psychological perspective. We take into account your subjective experience and behavior, as well as your collective experiences such as culture and systems.

My work as a coach is inspired by music. As a long-time saxophonist, I understand how improvisation can enhance our ability for growth and transformation. I was invited to share my coaching philosophy and concept in a TEDx Talk.

It's my passion to support individuals and organizations in reaching their full potential. I believe that by doing so, we not only benefit ourselves but also contribute to creating a better society for all of us!

Reviews and Testimonials: Voices of my Clients

Would you like to read about others' experiences of working with me? Here you go.

» I found the coaching with Christine Paulus challenging, intensive and enriching. I experienced her as a professional, empathetic and trustworthy consultant who listens carefully, analyzes things precisely and suggests feasible solutions. Thanks to her support, I was able to learn a lot about myself and work on myself. (Translated) « Stefanie W., Marketing Employee

» Ms. Paulus has an incredibly good sense for the right questions within a coaching topic. With the help of Ms. Paulus and extensive self-reflection, I was able to make important decisions for my personal life confidently. From the coaching, I emerge with increased self-confidence and a much higher level of trust in my abilities. (Translated) « Sven Kopp, Managing Director, Seniorenpflegezentrum Bovenden GmbH

» Christine is an excellent coach. Through her wealth of experience, working with her is enriching on all levels; professionally, personally and emotionally. With enthusiasm and passion she accompanies her clients on their individual path and I take long-term inspiration from the sessions with her. Thank you very much! (Translated) « Katherina Hartmann

» The joint coaching journey with Ms Paulus was an intensive, at the same time instructive and exciting time. With her, I was able to successfully develop tools that help me in difficult situations in a professional context. With the right questions, she manages to develop structured solution options. She creates a professional as well as very pleasant and open atmosphere and distinguishes herself above all through her empathetic manner as well as her broad, scientifically based wealth of experience. (Translated) « Julia K., Management Consultancy

» Within the coaching process I could outgrow myself, regain my intuition and inner trust. Feel secure. Feel valued. Feeling free to say and ask whatever I needed to. Being able to formulate my inner self and work with it. I always felt supported, triggered to give all I’ve got to go one step further. I am very glad I decided to go this way with Ms Paulus. Thank you! « Client

» I experienced working with Mrs. Paulus as being very intense, emotionally challenging, and liberating at the same time. She has helped me achieve greater composure and self-confidence in a short amount of time, and prepared me effectively for challenging situations in the workplace. Today, I can recognize strengths in what I once perceived as weaknesses and strategically utilize them. Right from the beginning of our sessions, I felt comfortable being "myself" and openly addressing my problems.  She listens attentively, asks the right questions, and helps me find a solution in a lighthearted and effortless manner with a great sense of humor. (Translated) « Client, Project Manager

» Ms. Paulus first helped me to recognize what exactly my issues are and what I would like to change in my life. She then helped me find ways to break down and change my old patterns of thinking and behavior. Ms. Paulus' sympathetic and empathetic manner made it easy for me to open up. Her constructively critical thought-provoking impulses have given me clarity and insight. (Translated) « Sven P., Self-employed

You'll find more client experiences here.

Free Pre-Coaching Call

The pre-coaching call is important to assess the suitability of coaching for your needs, test our personal chemistry, and address any questions you may have. Each coach handles this differently – so, what matters to me?

In our phone call, you'll describe your concerns and expectations regarding your coaching. You'll also provide insights into your background. I'll assess whether online coaching is suitable for your situation. Finally, we'll discuss the organizational aspects of the coaching process, such as the session frequency and your scheduling preferences.

You can schedule your pre-coaching call here or you send me an email to Mail@ChristinePaulus.com with your preferred times for a call.

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The Future of Online Coaching: Where Do I See It Heading?

Online Coaching future virtual Coaching KI VR AR Christine Paulus

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, chatbots, and related applications are, in my opinion, going to play an increasingly important role in coaching. They can help in finding the right match between client and coach, as it's already done by companies like Speexx, as well as enhance the coaching process itself.

Technologies such as virtual and augmented reality have the potential to make coaching sessions even more interactive and engaging. This allows the coaching topic – or ourselves – to be experienced in the real or virtual space.

Phantasy vs. Effectiveness?

For years, I've been pondering about holograms in coaching. What if my clients and I could teleport ourselves into a virtual or the respective real space? And, importantly, convey our real facial expressions and gestures?

Whether it's in VR or AR – I find it fascinating, and at the same time, I ask myself: To what extent would this truly enhance the coaching process?

My clients work with their thoughts in the form of beliefs, concepts, or constructs. Or with their emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness. We already make them visible in video conferences today.

We write them down, find metaphors, or structure them on a digital whiteboard. Inner work is essential for recognition, understanding, and change. While a realistic 3D environment may be stimulating, it may not be necessary.

However, it could facilitate relationship-building within and outside the coaching process. Although our work environment has increasingly shifted from the office complex to the digital space, the trend of online coaching via video conferences has been delayed. However, we need the relevant digital competencies for our communication, teamwork, and leadership.

In my opinion, the coaching profession should stay in tune with the times. What does it take for that to happen?

Coaching Competence Alone is Not Enough

Professional online coaching requires not only coaching competence for structural, process, and outcome quality but also high digital media competence.

As a coach, I must differentiate between fascinating techniques that are less effective or even counterproductive, and tools that allow me to work in the best interest of my clients and facilitate an effective coaching process.

Coaching as the Space for Self-Reflection

I am convinced that coaching, particularly online coaching, plays an increasingly important role in society by providing people with support in achieving their goals in an ever-accelerating world.

In a continuously changing society, online coaching offers a crucial space for self-reflection that helps us to be successful, balanced, and content.

Therefore, my wish is for coaching to be accessible to as many people as possible – with flexibility and regardless of their resources. Digital innovations can assist us in this endeavor. The key is to ensure that it remains effective.

I'd be happy to discuss what coaching can mean for you and your situation. Please schedule your pre-coaching call or send me an email at Mail@ChristinePaulus.com.

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Christine Paulus


I'm Christine Paulus, an M.Sc. psychologist and certified Integral Coach and Business Coach. Since 2013, I work with leaders, business owners, and private individuals. As a longtime musician, I love bringing an improvisational approach into my online coaching!