If you'd publish all the words, lines, and paragraphs that I've cut out (please don't), you'd fill a library. I like to avoid the fluff and focus on the core.

Maybe I should do the same in life? Am I able to put the fluff aside and focus on my core? It's not easy to define who I am. Not to mention to describe me in one word.

But I can start by writing. After a while, I can cut out words, lines, and paragraphs. I may never finish, but I'll get closer and closer to my core.

I'd like to invite you to reflect: If I describe myself in one word – what would it be?

Write down anything that comes to your mind. Enjoy the process of writing and cutting out. Nothing more. Just your core!

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Christine Paulus Online Personal Business Coach Berlin

Christine Paulus


My name is Christine Paulus. I'm a psychologist and certified Integral Coach and Business Coach. As a longtime musician, I love to bring my improvisational approach to my work as an Online Coach!