In addition to obtaining my psychology degree, I made two significant financial investments: becoming an Integral Coach & Integral Business Coach and enrolling in coaching/supervision.

Initially, these investments appeared to be substantial monetary commitments. However, through deep exploration and honest discussions, I came to recognize that spending money on education, mental health, and personal growth is not merely an expense but an investment. It benefits not only my coaching business and professional development but also my personal growth journey.

Our beliefs about money can greatly influence our behavior and manifest in various ways.

For example, one of my self-employed clients struggles to sell their services at a fair value. Another employed client is dissatisfied with their salary and attempts preparing for negotiations. One client prioritizes financial security over even thinking about a career change.

Does anything sound familiar? In my and my clients' cases, it's not all about the money. In coaching, you can work on your underlying beliefs and emotions.

Take a moment to kick-start your reflection by considering this question: if my wallet could talk – what would it tell me?

Allow yourself to freely write down your thoughts and insights. Once you have done so, explore if there's anything you'd like to do about it. Remember, even small steps are significant. Imagine how your wallet would react...

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Christine Paulus Online Personal Business Coach Berlin

Christine Paulus


My name is Christine Paulus. I'm a psychologist and certified Integral Coach and Business Coach. As a longtime musician, I love to bring my improvisational approach to my work as an Online Coach!