Let's wave the summertime goodbye, let's give the wintertime a warm welcome. It's time to adjust our clocks! It's as if the day gave us an additional hour of free time. How do we want to spend it?

Even if you find this article amid spring or summer’s beauty, imagine having an extra hour in your day. What would you do with it? Take a moment, close your eyes, and listen to your body and mind. What wish emerges?

Need inspiration?

You might want to use the hour for a heartfelt family dinner, game night, or a cozy movie session. Dive into a creative pursuit like painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, or crafting. Enjoy a refreshing workout session, yoga, or meditation to nourish your body and mind.

Or you might like to use the time to immerse yourself in a good book, take an online course, or learn something new that interests you. Catch up with friends over a coffee date, phone call, or video chat. Take a leisurely walk in the park, garden, or nature reserve to unwind and appreciate the outdoors.

You might want to indulge in self-care activities like a relaxing bath, skincare routine, or meditation to de-stress. Organize your space, plan your week, or set goals for the upcoming days to enhance productivity and efficiency. Take a power nap or lie down and enjoy a peaceful moment of rest.

What does your inner voice tell you? It's a small reflection that can lead to significant revelations about what matters most to us right now. Ask yourself:

If the day gifted me an extra hour – what would I do?

Is today the last Sunday in October, the actual time to adjust the clocks? Why not dedicate this hour to self-reflection? With only a few more weeks remaining this year, now is a great time to pause and set the groundwork for the weeks ahead:

  • What do I aspire to achieve by year-end?
  • What would I like to pursue?
  • Which habits do I desire to leave behind?

Take a moment to capture your thoughts, and write them down. What resonates the most with you? Remember, don't let daily life wash your insight away. Act on them. This extra hour is a great time to start!

As your coach, I provide you with the thought-provoking space to reflect, explore what truly matters, and make room for it – not just today, but consistently.

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Christine Paulus Online Personal Business Coach Berlin

Christine Paulus


My name is Christine Paulus. I'm a psychologist and certified Integral Coach and Business Coach. As a longtime musician, I love to bring my improvisational approach to my work as an Online Coach!